About Us


Kor-In Theological College & Seminary came into existence through the vision of Social Worker, Elder Lee Ki Sup, who had a strong calling for evangelism and Church planting in India.

Under God’s providence, a small beginning was made in Bangalore in 1994 to train men and women to be God’s instruments in extending His kingdom throughout His land.

Kor-In Theological College & Seminary is interdenominational and draws her future leaders from several states in India including some of the neighbor countries. A rich variety of students with multifaceted, social-cultural dimension add to the beauty of living and learning together as one family. 


Vision and Mission

Kor-In Seminary exists to develop qualified leaders for Christian Church and its related ministries. The mission is to educate students to be faithful and honest and to think, live and serve effectively as Christians in the church and Society. The training facilitates foundational knowledge of the Scriptures and a Biblical world view. The programs are geared to develop intellectual and spiritual maturity, leadership potential and a sense of world mission.

  Statement of Faith


1.      In One God eternally existing in three persons-the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Triune God)

2.      In the Verbal inspiration of the Bible

3.      In the Statement of the Apostles’ Creed

4.      That Salvation from sin is attained by faith through the redemptive and sacrificial death of Christ by His grace hope, One Body and One Spirit

5.      In One Lord, One faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of all, One

6.      In the new birth through water and the Spirit

7.      In Holy Sacrament of Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism

8.      In the Holy Sacrament of the Lord Supper

9.      In the eternal Life of the righteous and eternal punishment for the unrighteous.

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